Star wars bf2 reddit comment
Star wars bf2 reddit comment

star wars bf2 reddit comment

With Battlefront 2 being a major talking point on Reddit over the past few days as a result of these issues, EA decided to step in and offer an excuse for some of the game’s heroes being locked behind so many credits: Also: The Battlefront 2 Campaign is the Best Star Wars Story in Gaming We’ve Seen in Years Some players have estimated that it will take around 40 hours to unlock a single hero, though this time can be significantly reduced by purchasing loot boxes, which contain more credits than players will obtain from playing the game. In a post on the Star Wars Battlefront 2 subreddit titled ‘Seriously? I paid $80 to have Vader locked?’ the EACommunityTeam responded to criticisms of the game’s heroes, with playable characters such as Darth Vader locked from the outset and requiring a ton of credits in order to unlock them. EA now has the most downvoted comment in Reddit history after trying to defend Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s microtransactions, with a post from one of the company’s official accounts garnering over 140,000 downvotes and counting.

Star wars bf2 reddit comment